South Park Snow Day 2024 | Apply the Best Beginner’s Guide!

South Park: Snow Day

South Park Snow Day Beginner’s Guide

South Park: Snow Day

Welcome to the South Park Snow Day episode! It is about to happen that you will start on a wild adventure full of shenanigans that can only be imagined by the crazed young men who invented South Park.

On your journey to find out what caused the snowstorm, you will engage in combat with the people of South Park Snow Day throughout five levels packed with exciting opportunities. This guide will present valuable advice to assist you on your trip. 

How to Progress Your Character in South Park Snow Day

When your character joins the kids’ D&D table, they reset their campaign because someone got all OP and ruined the previous one. Your character is a New Kid in South Park Snow Day.

A new rule system that involves cards and a limited number of abilities has been implemented by them. You will be able to gain skills as you progress through missions, and you will be able to unlock the cards that strengthen particular powers by completing challenges.

Dark Matter (DM) and Toilet Paper (TP), which are valuable currency that may be used to purchase upgrades, will be acquired by you as you go through the game. In addition to this, you will acquire Platinum Points (PP), which may be used to purchase cosmetic enhancements. 


South Park: Snow Day

The “My Perks” part of your game menu is where you can purchase character improvements using DM. The center of the skill map is where you start, and from there, you branch out in all directions.

In general, the nodes that lead down from the center optimize for health, the ones that lead to the left increase damage output, and the ones that lead to the right increase your speed. 


South Park: Snow Day

You can learn more about another key advancement mechanism by looking at your game menu’s “Unlocks” area. There will be a series of trials for you to complete, and each one will unlock something meaningful for your character.

A few unlocks grant new cards or Perks, while others award cosmetics. Some unlocks reward PP or DM, while others award cosmetics. 

How to Use Cards in South Park Snow Day

South Park: Snow Day

Cards are a prominent feature in the game that impacts your abilities and gives you incredible powers. There are two types of cards:

  • Upgrade cards influence the capabilities you possess, such as expanding the scope of your effects or introducing a new feature. 

South Park Snow Day! ‘s primary roguelike component is named Snow Day! It is a collection of cards that you can use to enhance every run.

You can earn these cards through various means, and they will augment the weapons and powers you bring to each quest. The information you require regarding Upgrade Cards will be presented in this tutorial. 

How to Get Upgrade Cards in South Park Snow Day

South Park: Snow Day

As you gain new Powers, you’ll quickly want to discover how to upgrade those powers to make them more effective. There are two ways to receive new Upgrade Cards: 

  • Unlocks: Access to new Upgrade Cards can be gained by the use of certain Unlocks, such as Put the Ass in Assassin and RIPlining. Not until you have completed the required task will they be included in your random selections. 
  • Random: All Upgrade Cards not unlocked by completing challenges will be revealed to you during your adventure. Jimmy will provide you with a selection of cards to choose from. 

General Upgrade Cards of South Park Snow Day

These improvement cards are represented by a stick figure icon, which may be found below. Each of them generally affects your character, such as the amount of TP they see or how they replenish their health. 

Weapon Upgrade Cards of South Park Snow Day

Cards used to upgrade weapons can either add new attacks to your weapons or increase the Power they already have—all Upgrade Cards for those who use melee and ranged weapons are listed here. 

Power Upgrade Cards of South Park Snow Day

South Park: Snow Day

Power upgrade cards enhance your Power and make it more effective. In certain instances, they slightly improve its efficiency, while in other cases, they significantly shift how the Power operates. The following is a list of the Upgrade Cards for each Power. 

Bullshit cards give extraordinary powers that can only be used in so many situations.

You will be presented with a Trial at the beginning of every run. During this Trial, you will choose an upgrade and a Bullshit card to place into play. At the same time that Butters, the rules lawyer, oversees the entire process, the adversary for that mission is also playing cards. 

In South Park Snow Day!, bullshit cards make it possible for your New Kid to acquire unique, overwhelming abilities that they can utilize to destroy their foes. There are a variety of them, ranging from devastating meteor swarms to practical invisibility. This tutorial will show you all of the alternatives for the Bullshit card, allowing you to take a side-by-side comparison of how powerful each of them is. 

You will have several encounters with Jimmy as you move through the tasks. You can purchase new Upgrade cards to add to your collection during these encounters. You can only see cards you have unlocked by completing challenges, but the cards available to you are chosen randomly. On the other hand, you can bribe Jimmy with TP to raise the level of the cards or reshuffle them, providing you with a new set of cards.

In addition, you will occasionally discover Foils in treasure boxes that you open while on your adventure. When you have a Foil, it will improve one of the cards that you are currently playing.

Last but not least, Henrietta will appear at least once in every quest. Whenever you visit her, she will present you with three unpredictable choices, some of which will affect your cards. For example, the Non-conformist card will increase the level of all of your Upgrade Cards by one. 

How to Play With Friends in South Park Snow Day

It is recommended that you play South Park Snow Day! With your friends because it is a roguelike adventure game that can be played online in a cooperative fashion. Unfortunately, only internet play is supported, which is unfortunate because couch co-op is not supported.

If you are forced to play alone because your friends consider you an amateur, bots will join your squad to complete it. However, the most successful gamers have teammates who make the overall experience more enjoyable.

With the help of this tutorial, you will learn how to ask your friends to participate in the silly nonsense that the South Park kids are talking about or how to join their games. 

How to Host a Game of South Park Snow Day

When you want to host a game session for you and all of your stupid pals, open the game menu and pick the “Matchmaking” tab from the list of available options. Now, choose the Host Game option.

Choose whether you want to host a game for the general public or your friends only on the following screen. Then, select the Start Hosting option.

You can check who participates in your game on the final screen. Bringing up your friends list, where you can send invitations, is as simple as selecting the button labeled “Friends List.” Please don’t even attempt to invite Kyle’s mother. 

How to Join a Game in South Park Snow Day

Open the game menu, navigate to the “Matchmaking” tab, and select the “Join Game” option to participate in a public session. After that, choose the Game Mode, Chapter, and Difficulty that you want to search for a game for before proceeding.

You also have the option to decide whether you wish to avoid spoilers, which, if selected, would restrict your search to only games that take place in chapters that you have already completed.

Select the “Join Public Game” option to initiate the matchmaking process once you have determined the kind of game you are interested in playing. The reason you are unable to find a game is most likely because no one likes you. If you keep trying, someone will eventually allow you to participate in their game.

On the off chance that you have a friend who is hosting a game, congratulations! Is it a prize or something else that you feel you need? It would help if you waited for them to send you an invitation, and then accept it. From the Matchmaking tab, you will not be able to join immediately. 

Pros and Cons of South Park Snow Day

1. Hilarious and engaging storyline1. Limited replay value due to linear narrative and lack of branching paths
2. Authentic South Park humor and characters2. Relatively short gameplay compared to other RPGs
3. Immersive and detailed game world3. Occasional technical issues and bugs detract from the experience
4. Creative use of RPG mechanics and combat4. Some may find the crude humor and content offensive or inappropriate
5. Varied and challenging quests and side missions5. No multiplayer or online features for extended gameplay with friends

Conclusion about South Park Snow Day

In keeping with the show’s cynicism and irreverence, South Park: Snow Day is a fun addition to the video game franchise. The game’s storyline recreates a winter day in South Park’s tumultuous town, featuring recognizable characters and hilarious circumstances only this series can give.

Missions and mini-games keep players occupied while preserving the show’s humor and charm. The game may not appeal to everyone, especially those unfamiliar with South Park’s comic approach.

The game’s graphics and music match the animated series. However, users who want more advanced graphics may be disappointed. Fans of South Park should play South Park: Snow Day, which brings the characters and their snowy adventures to life in an immersive and fun way. This game offers hours of fun and enjoyment for individuals who like humor and gameplay. 

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About the Author

Skyelar Castillo is a writer who loves to create exciting and valuable content. Skyelar has extensive experience in digital marketing and an excellent attention to detail, making her an expert at producing articles that do well in search engine optimization and fascinate readers.

Skyelar has developed extensive work over the years, with pieces addressing everything from health and lifestyle to technology and travel. Skyelar ensures that every piece of content is customized to suit the needs of clients and their audiences by staying informed with the newest SEO trends and committing to continual learning. 

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